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1. How many days will it take to refinish my hardwood floors?

Most average sized houses in Central Kentucky have a living room, dining room, hallway, entrance and a couple of bedrooms. If the hardwood floors are in good shape and don’t need any repairs and you’re going to keep them natural and not stain them, you’re looking at an average of 3 days. Bigger and more complicated layouts will obviously take a little longer. One the first day we remove all the existing finish and prep the floor for the first sealer coat. Depending on the size of your home, we can usually apply this first coat on the second day. On the third day the remaining coats are applied. If you would like to have your floors stained, be prepared to add at least another day or two to the process. Other extras like restoring stairs, removing carpet and fixing any repairs that are needed will also add extra time to the job.

2. Am I able to stay home during the refinishing process?

Yes, it’s possible with a few restrictions. Towards the end of the job, while the finishes are being applied and are drying, you won’t have access to those areas for at least 3 hours. For the finish coat we like to keep everyone off it for 3 hours to ensure a top quality job without any contaminants. This can be a hassle if you are having your entire house refinished or main access hallways etc. It may be best to stay somewhere else for a night if this is the case.


We are fully insured with up-to-date Liability Insurance Insurance. We are happy to show you our policy so you can check our coverage for yourself.


We have full Liability Insurance coverage for $2,000,000.00.

4. Do we move your furniture?

We do not remove or replace any furniture due to the fact that we do not have the necessary insurance to cover any damages. Therefore, we leave furniture removal and replacement to professionals. If you need, we can provide you with the name and number of a professional moving company our clients have been happy with. They’ll do a great job of carefully removing your furniture prior to our arrival and then carefully replace it once the finish is dry.

5. Do we remove & dispose of carpet?

Yes, we remove & dispose of carpet, carpet padding, tack strips and nails. This is part of our carpet and disposal fee that will be included in your estimate.

6. How do we deal with the dust?

We have state of the art vacuum systems which contain 99% of the dust. We are well known for our clients homes to be cleaner when we leave than when we arrived.

7. Do we work on weekends?

Refinishing hardwood floors is a very physically demanding job. During the week we work extremely hard. By the time the weekend rolls around we’re ready for our beauty rest. Not only that, we’re also very family oriented and we love to spend as much time with our family as possible. If all that is needed is a top coat to finish your hardwood flooring project and you have an extremely tight schedule, we may be able arrange something on a Saturday but please don’t count on this – it’s hard to say no to our family!

8. What time do we arrive to start working?

We like to show up right at 8:30 AM. This gives us a good start to the day so we can get a lot done. Of course, if that doesn’t fit your schedule, we can arrange another time that’s more convenient.

9. What kind of guarantee do we offer on our work?
  • Promptness and cleanliness of the crew. If we make a mess, we’ll clean it up.
  • Care and respect will be shown towards your home. No muddy shoes inside, no smoking and no loud music.
  • Upfront with pricing – We will not change the price on you after our work has started.
  • Alarm codes and keys used for the duration of the project will be kept safe, secure and strictly confidential.
  • Insurance will always be fully up-to-date. If something goes sideways onsite, we’ll be fully covered.
  • Industry standards – all ‘National Wood Flooring Association’ (NWFA) standards will be met and exceeded.
  • Our 101% Dustless System must truly meet up to your satisfaction or we’ll come back to make sure it does.
  • You must be fully satisfied with the final outcome of our work prior to final payment.
10. What are your payment options?

We happily accept cash and checks. We do allow the initial material deposit to be made with either a debit or credit card.

11. Do you provide references?

We have numerous 4 and 5 star reviews from happy clients on Facebook and Google. We also provide references with every estimate. We take pride in our reputation and it shows!

12. What can be done about deep scratches in my hardwood floors?

We try to preserve as much of your floors as we can, so when we sand we try to remove as little wood as possible. That means that if you have very deep scratches or dings it may be best for the future life of you floor to replace the damaged areas with new wood. We can always sand deeper in these areas if you want us too but it’s good to be aware that the more we take off the less wood you end up having. It’s important to remember your floors can only be sanded three to four times at most.

13. Does my shoe molding need to be removed?

Yes, prior to sanding, it is necessary to remove all of the existing shoe molding. After the last coat of polyurethane is applied, we will install new shoe molding.

14. When can my furniture be put back onto the hardwood floors?

The polyurethane that we use allows you to place your furniture back on your floors in three (3) days.

15. Why did my hardwood floors change color over time?

A lot of the older solvent oil based finishes would badly change color over the years. You could especially notice it on older floor when you moved an area rug. This is caused by ultraviolet sunlight rays – either direct or indirect. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much that could be done about this other than move your rugs around from time to time or keep your shades down during the sunniest part of the day, both of which aren’t very practical. With the recent advances of water-based finishes, this natural phenomenon can be eliminated if you use them. All the finish systems we use have UV protection.

16. How long will my newly refinished floors last?

How long your floors will last really depends on quite a few different factors. Are you going to wear dirty shoes inside? Do you have pets? How many? Are they allowed to run around on the floors with long untrimmed nails? Will you regularly sweep and clean your floors and follow our care instructions? Will you invest in a good door mat and maybe some runners and area rugs? There really is no simple answer. You can have a 20 year old floor that still looks great because it has been well cared for and on the other hand have a 2 year old floor that is in bad condition because it’s been horribly abused. There’s no possible way for us to know how you are going to care for your new floors. We urge you to read and apply the tips in the Cleaning Guide we’ll leave with you at the end of the project, including using the hardwood floor cleaner and felt pads. If you take look after them well, your floors will look great for many years to come.

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing