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High-Quality Stair Restorations in Residential Buildings

We see plenty of homes with worn-down stair treads due to years of use. But where many see an opportunity to replace the wood, we see the potential. Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring specializes in stair restorations, serving Central Kentucky and the surrounding areas. Nothing will make your home “pop” more than a newly-renovated staircase. Our repair, finishing, and staining services work together to transform the stale into the glistening!

hardwood floors and staircase

Why It’s Important to Hire the Experts

Finishing stairs is a labor-intensive project due to the angles, small pieces, and tight corners. We don’t recommend homeowners attempt to re-do their staircases on their own. Not only do the tight confines make the work challenging, but we must also take care when we sand to avoid damaging the non-wood areas. As with our hardwood floor services, we always source the same wood as is found on your stair. That means we use oak if that’s what is currently on your staircase for the seamless integration of new planks. There are some facets of staircases that Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring cannot address. They include:


A stair stringer – or stringer board – is the housing that runs on either side of a flight of stairs. Builders attach the treads and risers to the stringers. The stringers are too difficult to sand and stain, so we cannot offer services to stairway stringers.

Spindles and Balusters

Spindles and balusters are the vertical bars that connect to the handrail from the stair treads. Typically they are wood that are painted or they are wrought iron. We often replace the wood spindles with wrought iron. Sanding the wood spindles is not an option.

Enjoy the Benefits of Our Dustless Refinishing System

Many staircases include risers. If your risers are solid wood, we’ll gladly sand, refinish, and stain them. However, many rises are a thin veneer or some other non-wood material. In this case, we recommend painting them white, which will contrast perfectly with your newly-restored staircase. While we do not provide painting services, we can happily lead you in the direction of a resource we trust. We want to ensure you are happy with every facet of your home. As with all our services, we can guarantee a 99% dustless, post-finishing experience due to our innovative 99% dustless system. In fact, we never request payment until our customers have expressed their satisfaction with our work.

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing